"I feel we make a difference in peoples lives because of Kin Initiative"

My husband and I feel we make a difference in peoples lives because of Kin Initiative. It provides us the opportunity to help people who do not have much hope; in whatever way we are able. It began when our grandson spent two winters in Uganda, teaching and interacting with the children there. The children became his friends and he loved them. He felt he gave them hope for a better life. He did this at a difficult point in his own life, and that experience helped him become the good man he is today.
When a pump was broken at the school’s water source, we helped fund the repairs. Then we learned the eldest daughter of Ben Ssennoga wanted to learn, so we sent money for her education, uniforms, and whatever else was needed at the time. Now she is a successful student there, she is learning English, and she corresponds with us. She is happy. Her younger sister is attending the school now also, and is doing equally well with her education, and she writes to us. In Uganda, an education is the only way girls have a chance in life.
Their parents’ lives consist solely of their children, the students, and the school itself. Both of them work incredibly hard. They now have the funding they need for their daughter’s education thanks the help people give them, through volunteerism and donations.